For a good writer, it is very important to know the difference between good writing and average writing. Writers these days are more concerned about the quantity of writing than the quality.
There are some specific characters that every writer owns. These characters vary from writer to writer. Like for a fiction writer, the most valuable trait would be the skill to describe in detail the thoughts and imagination.
Writing skills matter. For a person wanting to make a living out of their writing, the skills matter a lot.
Qualities of Every passionate Writer
I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do ever – was write novels.
J.K Rowling
1. Readers with Purpose
A good writer is a great reader. That’s because only a person who reads a lot has the broad knowledge to write well as well. Good writing requires practice and work so reading more will only improve your writing sense and style.
Writers have a sole purpose for reading. By reading more, they’re able to understand the mindsets of different authors.
Plus, it also improves their vocabulary and adds in new words that they can use efficiently to describe their story.
2. Communication Skills
You can never communicate with your audience unless you have good skills. This quality can boost up your writing to another level as it establishes a connection between the author and reader.
3. Imagination and Creativity
A good imagination is a gift. Not every writer is blessed with this gift. A writer’s imagination about his story, and his creativity to expand the plot and characters, makes the story unique.
One of my favorite movies as a child was Harry Potter. Imagining such characters and story, that leave a never-ending impression on the audience requires a great deal of effort and patience. Also, this effort is what makes J.K Rowling the best fiction writer of all time.
4. Attention to Details
Writers are capturing details everywhere. They notice every small detail that can be used in their story.
A person with a typical writing personality would describe a tall fruitful tree as; a proud tall man, whose head seems to be close to the sky and whose feet are steady in the ground.
5. Use of strong Vocabulary
To avoid using the same words again and again, writers must have a strong vocabulary. Every time they should include new and interesting words to describe situations, as it not only builds the reader’s interest but also allows them to communicate more efficiently.
6. Simple and clear language
An effective writer uses simple and clear language rather than complex one so that it is easily understood by everyone.
Short and simpler sentences often keep the reader’s attention. In this way, the necessary information is conveyed in a rather fascinating manner.
7. Discipline
Some professions demand you to be disciplined. Being a writer is one of them.
There are times when a writer can write for more than 18 hours without taking any rest. While sometimes they get frustrated with writing and editing.
The frustration that comes along in the long process of getting your work published is too much that a non-disciplined person would either just take a break from writing or just quit.
8. Fast Learners
A good writer learns from experiences.
It’s not important that only ‘talented writers’ can become successful in this field. If you can learn fast and are devoted to your work you can easily make your way as a good writer.
Work on these skills
These characteristics are the basic ones that help you become a good writer. Strive for these and you’ll overcome the flaws of your writing.
But always remember that you are not bound to have all these characteristics to become an inspiring writer.
You can always have your own style of describing things. Be patient if you’ve just started because ‘practice makes perfect‘.
Ameena is a chemistry student. She is a keen learner and a passionate writer. She loves writing on different niche and sharing her prowess as a writer.
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