Q. 1
The Muslims of India demanded for a separate homeland because:
- (a) They were an independent nation
- (b) They were in majority in India
- (c) The British wanted to enslave them
- (d) They wished to safeguard their ideology
Q. 2
The military training for students became compulsory in the education policy of:
- (a) 1947
- (b) 1979
- (a) 1972
- (c) 1959
Q. 3
The duration of B.A degree program was increased from two years to three years in Education policy of:
- (a) 1947
- (b) 1979
- (c) 1970
- (d) 1959
Q. 4
The private institutions of education was nationalized in the education policy of:
- (a) 1947
- (b) 1970
- (c) 1972
- (d) 1992
Q. 5
In education policy 1972:
- (a) Islamic studies and Pakistan studies were declared compulsory:
- (b) Computer education was declared compulsory
- (c) The private institutions of education were nationalized
- (d) Workshop school were opened
Q. 6
National education policy, 1970 could be implemented because of the:
- (a) Lack of students
- (b) Opposition of the mass
- (c) Non-cooperation of the educational institutions
- (d) Change of government
Q. 7
The graduate of Islamic Madrassa got services under the education policy of:
- (a) 1979
- (b) 1959
- (c) 1970
- (d) 1972
Q. 8
The instructions of Islamic studies and Pakistan studies was made compulsory in:
- (a) 1978
- (b)1970
- (c) 1959
- (d) 1992
Q. 9
Permission for establishing private educational institution was granted in the educational policy of:
- (a) 1992
- (b)1978
- (c) 1959
- (d) 1970
Q. 10
Computer education in school was first introduced in the education policy of:
- (a) 1998
- (b) 19921
- (c) 1959
- (d) 1972
Q. 11
National education policy, 1970 formulated in the era of:
- (a) Nawaz Sharif
- (b) Z.A Bhutto
- (c) General Yahya Khan
- (d) General Zia-ul-Haq
Q. 12
Which of the following the foremost aim of Educational conference 1947:
- (a) Attention towards adult education
- (b)Preparation for changing needs
- (c) Development of the emotions of sacrifice and services
- (d) Modification of education system in line with the culture
Q. 13
Which of the following was the goal of the establishment of Textbook Board:
- (a) Preparation of examination
- (b) Distribution of degree
- (c) Preparation of text books
- (d) Preparation of helping books
Q. 14
Which of the following subjects are recommended to instruct at inter and degree levels in the education policy of 1970:
- (a) Technical education
- (b) Agriculture education
- (c) Educology
- (c) Physical education
Q. 15
by mans of the educative process:
- (a) Ideology of Pakistan can be promoted
- (b) Aims of establishment of Pakistan can be imparted
- (c) National solidarity can be developed
- (d) All of the above
Q. 16
Which of the following was the motive of Pakistan;
- (a) Islamic ideology
- (b) Separate territory
- (c) Safeguard of economic interests
- (d) Removal of Hindus supremacy
Q. 17
According to Iqbal, which of the following is the of the Muslim nation:
- (a) Homeland
- (b) Language
- (c)Religion
- (d) Race
Q. 18
Who said if Islam wishes to alive as a civilization force, it will have to establish rule on a specific region?
- (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- (b) Sir SyedAhmad khan
- (c) Muhammad Ali johar
- (d) Allama Muhammad Iqbal
Q. 19
Through education which of the following character traits can be produced in the nation:
- (a) Unity
- (b) Brotherhood
- (c) Passion for freedom
- (d) All of the above
Q. 20
Which of the following is the general aim of Pakistan’s system of education:
- (a) Turning the students into civilized citizen
- (b) Promotion of democracy
- (c) Provision of trained manpower
- (d) All of these
Q. 21
which of the following was in the aim of national education policy 1998:
- (a) Population of elementary education
- (b) Adaption of curriculum in the light of Quran and hadith
- (c) Improving the condition of professional education
- (d) All of these
Q. 22
Before the emergence of Pakistan, the subcontinent was under the rule of the:
- (a) British government
- (b) French government
- (c) Spanish government
- (d) Brazilian government
Q. 23
Which of the following was produced on the educated Muslims through the British education system in India:
- (a) Inferiority complex
- (b) Slave mentality
- (c) Hatred towards Islamic culture
- (d) All of the above
Q 24
Educational conference was held in Karachi on:
- (a) 27, November 1947
- (b) 28, November 1947
- (c) 29, November 1947
- (d) 30, November 1947
Q. 25
In message for educational conference, Quaid-e-Azam said:
- (a) We should change our education system in line with the changing condition
- (b) We should watch the educational development of the world
- (c) We should pay attention to the scientific knowledge with theoretical knowledge
- (d) All of these
Q. 26
Who was the minister of education at the time of educational conference?
- (a) Fatima Jinnah
- (b) Abdur Rub Nishtar
- (c) Fazal-ul-Rehman
- (d) I.I Chundigarh
Q. 27
In hais presidential address, Fazal-yr-Rehman said, he pays most importance to the:
- (a) Material element education
- (b) Spiritual element education
- (c) Professional element in education
- (d) Scientific element in education
Q. 28
In educational conference 1947, the Minister for education said in his presedential address:
- (a) The citizen should know the social rights and duties
- (b) Biases are fatal for Pakistan
- (c) We should be proud of being Pakistani
- (d) All of the above
Q. 29
The participants of educational conference 1947 was divided into:
- (a) Eight sub-committees
- (b) Nine sub-committees
- (c) Ten sub-committees
- (d) Ten sub-committees
Q. 30
It was suggested in the educational conference 1947, the foundation of education will be:
- (a) Ideology of Pakistan
- (b) Mass development
- (c) Individual development
- (d) Universal needs
Q. 31
Which of the following was proposed in education conference 1947:
- (a) Fundamental teaching of Islam is mandatory
- (b) Religious education should be conducted in school
- (c) Minorities should be educated according to their own ideologies
- (d) All of these
Q. 32
which of the following was proposed in the education conference 1947:
- (a) Elementary education will consist of five years
- (b) Elementary education will consist of six years
- (c) Elementary education will consist of five years but gradually extended to eight years
- (d) Elementary education will be consist of six years but gradually will be extended to eight years
Q. 33
which of the following was proposed in the education conference 1947:
- (a) Pakistan is democratic country
- (b) Awareness of social duties is the foundation of democracy
- (c) National language should be the medium of instruction at high level
- (d) All of these
Q. 34
In education conference 1947, it was proposed that the provincial languages could be the medium of instruction at:
- (a) Primary level
- (b) Middle level
- (c) Secondary level
- (d) Higher secondary level
Q. 35
Which of the following was propose in education conference, 1947:
- (a) Instruction of English will continues as a necessary evil
- (b) English should be gradually terminated as medium of instruction
- (c) Higher education should be imparted in the national language
- (d) All of the above
Q. 36
Which of the following was proposed in education conference, 1947:
- (a) More school should be opened for girls
- (b) There should be co-education in elementary school
- (c) Women teacher should be trained
- (d) All of these
Q. 37
Which of the following was decide in education conference:
- (a) Education system will be based in individual ends
- (b)Education system will be based in Islamic ideology
- (c) Education system will be based in global needs
- (d) Education system will be based on social needs
Q. 38
Proposal for the establishment of University Grants commission was presented in the:
- (a) Education conference 1947
- (b) National education commission 1959
- (c) Nation education policy 1970
- (d) National education policy 1972
Q. 39
The first constitution of Pakistan introduced in:
- (a) 1955
- (b) 1956
- (c) 1957
- (d) 1958
Q. 40
President Muhammad commission was headed by:
- (a) Minister of education
- (b) Secretary of education
- (c) Government of Punjab
- (d) None of these
Q. 41
Which of the following was decided in the education commission headed by the:
- (a) Appointment of education counselor in secondary school
- (b) Appointment of education counselor in technical institutions
- (c) Appointment of education
- (d) None of these
Q. 42
It was proposed in education commission, 1958 that the internal examination should be conducted for:
- (a) 20% marks
- (b) 25% marks
- (c) 30% marks
- (d) 35% marks
Q. 43
It was proposed in national education commission that the URDU language should be instructed as a compulsory subject from class:
- (a) Three to Twelve
- (b) Four to Twelve
- (c) Five to Twelve
- (d) Six to Twelve
Q. 44
Which of the following was proposed in national education commission 1958:
- (a) Establishment of text book board
- (b) Helping book should be banned
- (c) Technical faults of Urdu should be mended
- (d) All of the above
Q. 45
The committee formulated for the development of educational proposal headed by Air Martial Noor Khan came into contact, no large scale, with the:
- (a) Students
- (b) Teacher
- (c) Political representatives
- (d) All of the above
Q. 46
It was started in the new education policy 19702 that the elementary education would be declared mandatory till:
- (a) 1975
- (b) 1976
- (c0 1977
- (d) 1980
Q. 47
Statement regarding the formulation of education crop was introduced in which of the following education policies:
- (a) Education conference 1947
- (b) National education commission 1959
- (c) New education policy 1970
- (d) National education policy 1972
Q. 48
It was stated in the new education policy 1970 that the elementary education should be considered from class:
- On to Five
- One to six
- One to seven
- One to eight
Q. 49
Which of the following was proposed in new education policy 1970:
- (a) A science college will be setup in each district
- (b) A science school will be setup in each tehsil
- (c) The mill owners will arrange the
- (d) All of the above
Q. 50
It was proposed in new education policy that education as an elective subjective should be instructed at which of the following levels of education:
- (a) Matriculation
- (b) Intermediate
- (c) Degree
- (d) Both B&C
Q. 51
It was stated in new education policy 1970 that:
- (a) Urdu should be the official language
- (b) Textbooks should be prepared in Urdu
- (c) Students unions should be formed
- (d) All of the above
Q. 52
following the separation of East Pakistan in December 1971 which of the following political parties became the ruling party in west Pakistan:
- Muslim league
- People’s party
- Jammat-e-Islami
- None of these
Q. 53
it was stated in national educational policy 1972 that majority of the students get admission in:
- (a) Science
- (b) Arts
- (c) Commerce
- (d) Technical
Q. 54
It was decieded in national education policy 1972 that the professional subject would be introduced in the college by:
- (a) 1978
- (b) 1979
- (c) 1980
- (d) 1981
Q. 55
It was proposed in the education policy 1971 that the proportion of enrollment in secince courses would be:
- (a) 25%
- (b) 30%
- (c) 35%
- (d) 40%
Q. 56
Which of the following was proposed in the education policy 19721:
- (a) An open university would be established
- (b) National book foundation would be established
- (c) Muhallah School would be established
- (d) Bothe A&B
Q. 57
It was decieded in the national education policy 1972, that the students would be promoted to the next classes till class;
- (a) Five
- (b) Six
- (c) Seven
- (d) Eight
Q. 58
Which of the following were nationalized education policy:
- (a) Colleges
- (b) Schools
- (c) Colleges and schools
- (d) Universities
Q. 59
In the national education polivy 1972, military training became mandatory for:
- (a) Boys
- (b) Girls
- (c) Both A&B
- (d) None of these
Q. 60
Which of the following was proposed in the national education policy 1972:
- (a) Equal opportunities of education
- (b) Establishment of new universities
- (c) Concession in fares
- (d) All of the above
Q. 61
The former president Zia took the charge of Government in:
- (a) 1976
- (b) 1977
- (c) 1978
- (d) 1979
Q. 62
It was stated in national education policy 1978 that:
- (a) 50% of the total children are enrolled
- (b) 51 of the total children are enrolled
- (c) 52 of the total children are enrolled
- (d) 53 of the total children are enrolled
Q. 63
How many new primary schools were proposed to open in the national education policy 1978:
- (a) 11,000
- (b) 12,000
- (c) 13,000
- (d) 14,000
Q. 64
It was proposed in national education policy 1978 that all boys of educable are would be enrolled in school by:
- (a) 1987
- (b) 1988
- (c) 1989
- (d) 1990
Q. 65
It was proposed in national education policy 1978 that:
- (a) Four thousands Masjid school would be opened
- (b) Five thousands Masjid school would be opened
- (c) Six thousands Masjid school would be opened
- (d) Seven thousands Masjid school would be opened
Q. 66
Which of the following was stated in the national education policy 1978:
- (a) There is no training infrastructure for illiterate individuals
- (b) One thousands village school would be opened
- (c) Trained staff would be appointed in workshop school
- (d) All of these
Q. 67
It was stated in nation education policy 1978 that:
- (a) 3% of the population consists of special and handicapped children
- (b) 4% of the population consists of special and handicapped children
- (c) 5% of the population consists of special and handicapped children
- (d) 6% of the population consists of special and handicapped children
Q. 68
Which of the following was decided in national education [policy 1978:
- (a) Government would prepare plans for handicapped individuals
- (b) Government would train the handicapped individuals
- (c) Government would support the organization for walfare of the handicapped individuals
- (d) All of these
Q. 69
Which of the following was proposed in the national education policy, 1978:
- (a) The madras system has been setup for Islamic teaching
- (b) Government has not given attention towards Mdrasa
- (c) Affiliation of Madrasa with the education Boards would be reviewed
- (d) All of these
Q. 70
Which of the following was proposed in nation education policy, 1978:
- (a) The graduates of madras would be eligible for government services
- (b) Madras would be nationalized
- (c) Computer curriculum would be introduced in madrasa
- (d) Madrsa curriculum would be reformed
Q. 71
Which of the following was proposed in nation education policy, 1978:
- (a) Instruction of Islamic studies would compulsory
- (b) Instruction of Pakistan studies would be compulsory
- (c) Instruction of Islamic and Pakistan studies would be compulsory
- (d) Instruction of Ethics would be compulsory
Q. 72
Which of the following was decided in national education policy 1978”
- (a) Provision for the establishment of private educational institutions
- (b) Plans for the training of handicapped people by the federal Government
- (c) Compulsory instruction of Islamic and Pakistan studies in professional colleges
- (d) All of the above
Q. 73
It was suggested in national education policy 1978 that, as uniform:
- (a) Boys will put on militia color dress
- (b) Girls will put on light blue and white trousers
- (c) The matter of dopatta color would be left of the institution
- (d) All of the above
Q. 74
It was decided in national education policy that Urdu as an official language, would be introduced in:
- 10 years
- 11 years
- 12 years
- 15 years
Q. 75
For the enforcement of national education policy 1978:
- (a) Second five-years plan were developed
- (b) Third-year plans were developed
- (c) Forth0five year plans were developed
- (d) Fifth five year plan were developed
Q. 76
who approaved the national education policy 1992?
- (a) Syed Fakhar Imam
- (b) Syed Ghous Ali Shah
- (c) Muhammad Ali Khan Hoti
- (d) None of these
Q. 77
It was stateed in national education policy 1992 that literacy rate would be increased up to:
- (a) 70% by 2002
- (b) 75% by 2002
- (c) 801% by 2002
- (d) 85% by 2002
Q. 78
It was proposed in national education policy 1992 that:
- (a) Six thousand new Masjid school would be opened
- (b) Seven thousand new Masjid school would be opened
- (c) Eight thousand new Masjid school would be opened
- (d) Nine thousand new Masjid school would be opened
Q. 79
Which of the following was proposed in national education policy 1992:
- (a) Fulfillment of national needs through students
- (b) Introduction of computer education at school level
- (c) 100% enrollment ratio at primary level
- (d) All of these
Q. 80
It was proposed in national education policy 1992 that:
- (a) 30 new polytechnic institutes would be opened
- (b) 32 new polytechnic institutes would be opened
- (c) 33 new polytechnic institutes would be opened
- (d) 34 new polytechnic institutes would be opened
Q. 81
It was proposed in national education policy 1992 that the number of secondary schools would be increased from 19000 to:
- (a) 48487
- (b) 19487
- (c) 50487
- (d) 51487
Q. 82
It was proposed in national education policy 1992 that the number of colleges would be increased from 535 to:
- (a) 835
- (b) 935
- (c) 1035
- (d) 1135
Q. 83
It was proposed in national education policy 1992 that out of 20 newly proposed universities:
- (a) 15 universities would be established in the private sector
- (b) 16 universities would be established in the private sector
- (c) 17 universities would be established in the private sector
- (d) 18 universities would be established in the private sector
Q. 84
Which of the following was proposed in national education policy 1992:
- (a) Examination system would be made free from corruption
- (b) Examination system would be computerized
- (c) Examination system would be made capable of competing the standard of developed countries
- (d) All of these
Q. 85
Which of the following five year plan was developed for the implementation of national education policy 1992:
- (a) Six-five years plan
- (b) Eight-five year plan
- (c) Seventh-five year plan
- (d) None of these
Q. 86
which of the following was decided to remove the disparity between the urban and rural areas, in national education policy 1992:
- (a) All children between age 5-8 be enrolled in school
- (b) All children between age 5-9 be enrolled in school
- (c) All children between age 5-10 be enrolled in school
- (d) All children between age 5-11 be enrolled in school
Q. 87
Which of the following was decided in national education policy 1992:
- (a) Teacher would be awarded on excellent performance
- (b) Second shift would be introduced in school
- (c) NGOs would be promoted
- (d) All of these
Q. 88
Who announced national education policy, 1998:
- (a) Syed Ghous Ali Shah
- (b) Syed Fakhar Imam
- (c) Mr. Faza-ur-Rehamn
- (d) Sardar Abdur Rub Nishter
Q. 89
Which of the following was decided regarding the teaching of Quran in national education policy 1992;
- (a) It would be made compulsory till secondary level
- (b) It will be made compulsory till degree level
- (c) It would be made compulsory till higher level of education
- (d) It would be made compulsory for all level
Q. 90
It was proposed in national education policy 1992 that the Islamic teacher training programs would be also introduced in:
- (a) Madrasa would be modernized on school patterns
- (b) The degree of Mdrasa would be given official acceptance
- (c) A code of conduct would be introduced for the teachers
- (d) All of the above
Q. 91
It was proposed in national education policy 1998 that the enrollment ratio till 2002 would be increased up to:
- (a) 80%
- (b ) 85%
- (c) 90%
- (d) 95%
Q. 92
It was decided in national education policy that for elementary education:
- (a) 35000 new schools would be opened
- (b )40000 new schools would be opened
- (c) 45000 new schools would be opened
- (d) 50000 new schools would be opened
Q. 93
It was decided in the national education policy 1990 that, for the promotion of literacy rate:
- (a) 80000 new information schools would be opened
- (b) 81000 new information schools would be opened
- (c) 82000 new information schools would be opened
- (d) 83000 new information schools would be opened
Q. 94
It was proposed in national education policy 1998 that opportunities for higher education would be provided to least……….of the youth aged between 17-23 years:
- (a) 5%
- (b) 10%
- (c) 15%
- (d) 20%
Q. 95
Which of the following was proposed in national education policy 1998:
- (a) Opportunities for higher education would be increased
- (b) Facilities would be provided to universities for opening of new campuses
- (c) International standard would be maintained at graduation level
- (d) All of these
Q. 96
Which of the following was introduced in national education policy:
- (a) Merit would be observed for admission
- (b) Well-reputed college would be allowed to award degrees
- (c) University teachers would be given extra salaries
- (d) All of these
Q. 97
It was decided in national education policy 19998 that education budget would be increased up to:
- (a) 4% of the BOP
- (b) 4.5% GOP
- (c) 5% GDP
- (d) None of the above
Q. 98
Which of the following types of investment is necessary for acquisition of the objectives of national education policy:
- (a) Shorty term investments
- (b) Long-term investments
- (c) Midterm investment
- (d) Not type of investment is needs
Q. 99
Ata-ur-Rehman was the former chairman of:
- (a) Higher education commission
- (b) Islamabad Intermediate board
- (c) Lahore Intermediate Board
- (d) None of these
Q. 100
In all the educational policies of Pakistan the foundation of the objectives of education is:
- (a) Islamic ideology
- (b) Economic development
- (c) Social stability
- (d) Promotion of science and technology
Q. 101
National bank foundation was established under the education policy:
- (a) 1972
- (b) 1959
- (c) 1947
- (d) 1970
Q. 102
Which of the following was decided in national education policy 1972
- (a) Free of charge education till matriculation
- (b) Fee would be waived till eight class from October 1947
- (c) Fee would be waived till tenth from October 1974
- (d) All of the above
Q. 103
It was proposed in the education policy that the proportion of enrollment in the professional courses would be:
- (a) 40%
- (b) 45%
- (c) 50%
- (d) 55%
Q. 104
It was suggested in national education policy 1992 that:
- (a) 7 new college of technology would be opened
- (b) 8 new college of technology would be opened
- (c) 9 new college of technology would be opened
- (d) 10 new college of technology would be opened

Ayesha completed her Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry and started her career as a College Lecturer in 2013. Today, she’s a happy mom of 2 Kids in the field of digital marketing. She loves reading books, spending time with her family, and making delicious food for her husband.
bakht zada says
Answers have not been given. Plz give answers at the end.
sadaf nadeem says
plzz at the end answer provide kr dyn ..thankuu
Mano says
I cant find reply of mcqs
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kindly provide answers
shaista says
kindly provide answers of these questions these are very informative
Ali Zaman says
wastage of time as no answer is given at the end.
Muhammad Shan says
Kindly provide the answers of these questions
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Please provide the answer
Hurrryy up now
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Please send key
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Very informative but provide answers please