With the help of effective Communication Skills in Business, owners can change the market entirely. They are able to design a good message that brings their expected results. However, it is a very complex affair to give a scientific definition of communication due to its scope and levels. However, many writers defined communication according to their own knowledge and experience.
To know the subject, it is necessary to have a certain definition in our mind about it. The Oxford Dictionary definition of communication is “To make something known to others”
Definitions of Communication
- “The process by which messages evoke a response”
- “Communication is a mutual exchange of facts, thoughts, opinions or emotions”
Generally, communication involves at least two persons or parties to complete its process by exchanging the messages, written or oral, verbal or non-verbal. Communication takes place when the message is received by the other person.
It is not received, there will be a response and therefore no communication “For effective communication a message must evoke the desired response.
Benefits and Importance of Communication Skills in Business
Former chairman of General Motors Mr. T. A Murphy says:
“The one common denominator in business and management is people and relationships with people. Message-designed principles of Effective communication can make the difference between success and failure, or at least it can determine the degree of success.”
Communication is equally significant to the organization and to the individual. Regardless of the type of organization in which you work now and will work in the future, It highlights the benefits of effective communication skills.
Communication extends across all areas of business including functions of management, marketing, finance, and social positions. The modern style of business has enchanted its significance as an auricle skill for the individual and organization alike.
Advantages of Effective Communication Skills in Business
- A prominent feature of a good personality
- Essentials Pre-requisite for good job and promotion
- The significance of communication and new global market
Importance of Communication in Business
Communication is Most Demand Job Skill for Future
Professional skills are the basis of successful business life and communication skills stand unique among them. The canopy of communication prevails over all the business and social activity.
The art of speaking well and writing well is definitely the essence of leadership and management skills.
Communicating as various surveys about the important professional skills remained at top of them. It affects the decision-making in an organization that is crucial to achieving certain goals.
The judgments, decisions, and efforts put forth by employees determined to a large extent the profitability of a business and communication skills bring them to the scene to get them implemented moreover, its utility in the cultural context is equally significant for an individual and organization. Briefly speaking communication gives language and style to the people and organization and enables them to meet their goods and continue to exist.
Communication is Life Blood of Every Organization
It is truly said that communication is the blood that’s running in the veins of every business. If we work upon the structure and mechanism of businesses then we feel that business activity is impossible with and communication, because every industry consists of a group of people who interact and react throw a medium of communication.
Managers daily exchanges information, business ideas, plans, make decisions and agreements, which is impossible without communication.
Hence, no business can succeed, build up goodwill and win customers without effective communication, few companies also train their employees for 7 C’s of Communication because it is required for both internal and external affairs to run a business firm.
Internal communication helps to increase jobs satisfaction, safety, productivity, and profits and decreases absenteeism grievances, and turnover. It consists of downward upward and horizontal communication with their respective rules for the successful functions of business ventures.
External communication is mainly concerned with the messages to persons outside the company. It has a far setting effect on its reputation and ultimate success. They write letters, proposals, reports, telephone calls, or personal conversations to win a customer, create a desire for a firm’s product or service.
Advertising is the most strutted type of external Communication, we may soon realize that advertising channels are the bridges throw which an organization accomplishes its goals.
Time is money is the slogan of modern hectic life. We spend most of our time in communication in an office writing, speaking, and listening. Time factor in overall communication costs.
Poor Communication can cost an organization time and money therefore now strong multi-national companies train their employees business communications skills training to communicate effectively in business life.
Efficient and effective communication skills in the workplace save time and money for organizations increasing their productivity and profit.
On the other hand, unclear, incomplete inaccurate, and unduly long or late messages will cost a company heavily compiled with the loss of public image. So, ineffective messages that confuse the customers are more expensive them effective ones because they destroy company credibility moreover, poor messages often required several additional explanatory messages which will further add to the communication cost.
In view of the above discussion, we can say that efficient communication enhances the profit and productivity of the business organization.
Communication Skill is Prominent Feature of Good Personality
Effective communication places a key role in personality development in any field of life and remains significant in professional life. There are also other aspects of a personality like a stature, Social, entrepreneurial skills but communication skills give the exposure to his capabilities utilize them in professional affairs.
A person who can speak well and write well has definitely an edge over others no matter what social or professional positions he or she has. Communication determines the worth of personality and tells what really lies there in an individual.
Nobody can judge the caliber of a person if one remains silent or there is no exchange of ideas or importance between them because the way of speaking, the words used, and the style expose the real person.
“If one has the strong shell of communication, he will be the most effective person in social, practical in business life. The people who speak without hesitation and write fluently generally lead the organizations only because of their communication skills”
Essentials Pre-requisite for Good Job and Promotion
Business leaders frequently mourn the lack of communication of skills among many university graduates. The ability to communicate stands high among other attributes that employers seek in all potential employees. In a recent survey, the employers declared communication skills as the skills they most preferred in job applicants, while leadership skills came in seconds.
If one can effectively communicate one’s knowledge, ideas, and proposals to others to need or should receive them, he or she will be most probably considered the ideal one for any job position offered.
Nowadays when we look at the newspapers page of job-advertisement, we generally find that communication is a primary requisite in many carriers, such as customer relations, labor relations, marketing, management, sales, and teaching.
Communication is the most sensitive aspect of any business venture which makes or mars the prospectus of success. Companies and individuals daily pay the price of problems caused by a lack of communication skills.
For example, the receptionist who did not listen carefully to the inquiry for business lost a chance to grow the business and the company had to suffer for their miscommunication. Therefore, now employers read rank effective communication high among others professional skills. Moreover, communication skills affect promotions during a job.
The Significance of Communication and New Global Market
As the horizons of Business life are expanding and the world is shrinking in a global village, the importance of business communication is increasing in this phenomenon. W.T.O.
Is connecting the business worldwide. Now the business professional must be aware of cultural diversity if they wish to become competent in the mold of the global market. The facility of market and e-mail has made the job of communication easier but responsibilities and challenges have multiplied.
Now understanding the changed global scenario and different nations with a typical attitude and culture has become essential for successful communication.
Many multi-national companies fail to launch their business venture in foreign countries only because they do not care to realize the need to learn about the target countries’ people’s language, psychology in business, and style of life.
Moreover, the knowledge of information technology and its usage in the field of communication are essential to communicate globally. “New global marketplace requires more comprehensive and competent communication strategy.
If we have a grasp over the communication with different nation international trade, would be definitely a great advantage.
Lisa is a passionate travelers. She spends 3 months every year visiting different places worldwide. She has visited almost every famous place in the world. She herself is an affiliate blogger
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