Every person has his or her own work preferences. Some of you might enjoy some music in the background while preparing an upcoming presentation or would like to share your ideas with a bunch of colleagues every now and then. Then there is an entirely different category of employees, and count me among them too, who only want some peace and quiet while working.
Top Jobs with Quiet Environment
A quiet work environment isn’t easy to find especially for the operation employees and middle managers who usually have to make do with cubicles crowded in a small office. If you’re tired of jobs where you sit shoulder-to-shoulder with your co-workers, you’re at the right place.
Here, you’ll find the best jobs that come with the huge blessing of a quiet work environment. Let’s check it out.
Since most of the work of an accountant is to be carried out independently, they can enjoy a quiet setting. Many accountants have the option to work from home and even if they do attend office, they will have their own personal space to do this important business task without much intervention from the bosses or coworkers.
To enjoy the perks of being an accountant, you’ll naturally need a Bachelor’s in Accounting as the minimum qualification. While looking into the finances of a company, an accountant needs to be able to handle monetary records, generate reports and give specific advice to the bosses on the company’s finances.
Photographers often have their own personalized working environment. They can set it up as quiet as they’d prefer. Whether they’re taking pictures of the wild or capturing the different cultures of the world, they wouldn’t usually be bothered by anyone.
Computer Programmer
Programming is something that cannot be focused on in a noisy environment. If a company hires you as a computer programmer to set up the software for them or keep it running and fix bugs, they’ll usually give you an office. Programmers will usually enjoy an entire office to themselves where they can work in peace and aren’t disturbed by co-workers.
If you truly appreciate the beauty of a quiet environment, you could think of becoming a librarian. Not only can you enjoy a peaceful sitting and reading area for yourself, but you’ll also have the authority to request the visitors to keep it down.
A librarian is naturally, in charge of everything that goes on in the library including record-keeping, checking in and out of the library books and maintaining a peaceful environment around the place where everyone can concentrate on their work.
Lab Technician
While doctors coordinate a lot with their colleagues and subordinates, lab technicians enjoy a much quieter environment for work. They usually have a quiet lab to themselves where they analyze fluids, detect abnormalities and generate a report which will be used by the doctor to devise a suitable treatment for the patient. A bachelor’s degree and some sort of certification may usually be required for you to qualify as a lab technician.
All sorts of writers, whether technical, fiction, non-fiction or journalists will require a quiet workplace to give shape to their ideas. Writers usually work from home and can have their own library or work corner where they can retire with a cup of coffee whenever they want to write.
The same is the case with content writers and proofreaders. They may have strict deadlines to stick to, but enjoy the freedom to set their own schedule and place to work in. To be a writer, you simply need to be comfortable with words and a few skills, although some jobs may require a minimum bachelor’s degree.
Maryam Ahmad is a passionate blog writer and has written on multiple niches over the course of her three-year career in content writing. Owing to her engaging writing style, the websites Maryam has written for have seen their rankings soar. She also writes on her personal blog maryamswritinghub.blogspot.com. Read more of her articles here or reach her at Linkedin